A baby’s first tooth is expected to erupt at around 6 months of age. If your baby is slightly early or late in eruption, do not be concerned- everyone is different and there is no right or wrong! It is crucial to be aware of and protect the baby teeth as they play an important role in helping to chew food, to develop speech and to reserve space for the adult teeth to erupt later in life.
When your baby starts to go through the teething phase, they will make no secret of it! Typically, the teething phase is characterised by irritability and sleepless nights as the first teeth break through the gums, causing some discomfort.
Signs and Symptoms
Signs and symptoms of teething to look out for are:
- Crying and irritability
- Mild fever
- Pulling on the ear on the same side as the erupting tooth
- Sucking on toys or fingers
- Red cheeks
- Drooling
- Loss of appetite
- Mild diarrhoea
Please note that systemic symptoms of unwellness such as fevers and diarrhoea should not be taken lightly and persistence of these symptoms require assessment by a medical professional to determine any other possible causes.
What can you do to comfort your baby during teething?
To ease your baby’s discomfort, try the following tips:
- Wrap your hands in a damp, soft cloth, place your fingers in your baby’s mouth and massage the gums
- Cool down teething aids in the fridge to help numb the pain (do not put them in the freezer)
- If you are thinking about trying pain relief for your baby, make sure you consult our dentists or your local pharmacist first