At Corner 32 Dental, our dentists have extensive experience and a passion for treating kids. As a result, more often than not, all dental work required is able to be treated at our clinic. From general check-ups and cleans to fillings or extractions if required, our clinic can cater for most children using happy gas to make the experience much easier!
At times, the dentist may recommend that the child is referred to a paediatric dental specialist to have treatment carried out under a general anaesthetic. This can often be a startling realisation for parents, so it is important to understand why your child may be more suitable for treatment in this setting.
Factors that may lead to a specialist referral for treatment under a general anaesthetic include:
- Age
- Irritability or uncooperativeness
- Number of teeth requiring work
- Difficulty of work required
- Medical history
If you have any queries about the treatment that has been recommended for your child, get in contact with our dentists for advice.